just want to say, i adore the summer skies; the colours of blues and red. went swimming yesterday for the first time this year, shows summer is here. ok enough of my summer lovin', onto what im here to talk about. if you'll refer down a couple of posts you'll see a large dog that looks almost like a sheep. that dog is emma, and the photograph above is also emma. confused? every year when it starts to get warm, she starts to get really hot under that pile of hair. so every year she gets taken off and....sheared (i know its a term for sheep, but they can't get scissors or clippers anywhere near her. now, this hair cut isn't a problem; and although it makes her look funny she also gets utterly pathetic. she mopes around the house like the world is out to get her, and expects cuddle and pats from everyone. its funny to watch her become like a child. yesterday mum took her out for a walk and she got sunburnt. i laughed and she looked like she hated us all for doing these cruel things to her.
note to readers: if anyone is thinking of getting dj hero, you probably should. my brother got it yesterday and its been very distracting to my exam study. it's addictive and has some good remixes.
jusqu'à la prochaine fois.
ahahhaha omg emma!!! This seems so wrong!