school is so pointless this week, and it's fantastic! i take myself off to an orientation for maths, then i get my english exam returned to me and then i go down the street to a cafe with my friends and sit there for almost three hours until the end of the day when i have my next orientation or exam return. i have 3/5 of my exams back (history, english and maths). they're all going really well, just waiting on literature and philosophy. i still don't know if dropping philosophy is the right move; i am so indecisive when it comes to that damn subject! anyway, these photos are from earlier in the year when i went away to the beautiful victorian countryside; it was such stunning scenery! will shoot some new photos very soon. have a couple of photos hoots lined up in my head, just have to find my models :)
jusqu'à la prochaine fois.
you're amazing.