
other side up.

first day since the other half of the family left that i am really starting to feel normal again. well i will never be normal...but that's besides the point really. went out with my father to a couple of art galleries. the first one left a lot to be desired and featured a truly awful woman who sat on the phone and was a snob. i realised that's something i hate about the art world, those people. then we went to another gallery that was lovely. it was just a large space that had these really interesting prints that looked like stencils and had black contrasted with fluro colours. probably my favourite prints of the day. went to some other galleries and then went to a shop that sold dvds, books and music.

all a bit art house and the guy working there was so lovely. after that we hit chapel street and i went to american apparel. bought a skirt and a scrunchie for my newly cut curly mop of hair. then we went to little creatures on brunswick street which was phenomenal. dad didn't tell me where we were going and we walked in and i gasped. it was a warehouse that looked like a diner and was simply amazing. the people were lovely and the food was great, especially the donuts with ice cream and honey and cinnamon (yum!!). i am so lucky to have such an amazing dad who knows all these cool places better than his daughter and makes me look utterly lame!

jusqu'à la prochaine fois.

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