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i am sorry i haven't posted in a while. i am an awful person but i am stressed put of my mind as school starts again in three days and i have arts camp for those three days. it is nearly 11pm and i have to be up early so i will keep this short. i have finished all my holiday homework which is marvellous!! i found it really important that i had it done because i knew if i didn't have it done by arts camp i wouldnt be able to fully enjoy the camp as i would be preoccupied with the work i hadn't done. in the very exciting news, i got the canon eos 7d. i honestly don't know how i lived without this camera. more to the point i don't know how i tolerated the sony alpha 350. there is simply no comparison.
my brother and mum came home today. i had been up until about 2am because i was at a party and came home and practically passed out after taking all the zombie blood off myself (dress up haha). then we had to wake up at 7am to go to the airport. now, i am one of those people who does not function at all without a decent amount of sleep. so the combination of slight hangover and 5 hours of i got to the airport and smelt that airport smell and almost threw up everywhere. the only thing that eventually stopped me as i stood outside the airport with no bin or anything to throw up into was the sheer embarrassment of potentially throwing up everywhere. the airport isn't exactly the most private of places. i didn't want to be the person the security guys watch over and over again on the security cameras.
the end of the holidays have been really good. went to a friends house the other night and stayed over without her parents. we felt very parental listening to old songs and dancing around whilst playing with her darling betty. i have also seen friends and went to a zombie party last night which was fantastic, except unfortunately people got a little messy towards the end. looking forward to jumping back into school. people keep telling me that year 12 is hell on earth, but i guess it just depends on how organised i am. hope you are all well :)
jusqu'à la prochaine fois.
you know when you have a day, and you come to the end of it and feel so content and like you have had a really really good day, even though you are exhausted. that is how i feel right now.
today i had the joy of shopping with the lovely libby. we went to a shopping centre because libby wanted to go to myer, as they were having a 50% off shoe sale for a large majority of their stock. so we rushed straight to myer only to see that there wasn't much worth buying so we quickly exited myer and went to mac cosmetics. now, for those of you who do now know libby let me inform you of a couple of things. she is trained as a make up artist and is dangerous when armed with plastic that is loaded with money. come to think of it, we actually did not step foot in a clothes store on our shopping trip. instead, we went to all the make up stores and then hit the food court to eat copious amounts.
i bought some make up; a pallet that i adore, an eyebrow pencil and a make up brush. i feel i should take this time to assure you that i am not a make up artist and am not doing a make up haul, but i do love a good bit of make up. and i also realise that this blog has become very wordy, but i really enjoy writing so it will continue to be wordy :)
after shopping with libby i went to my friend jazmin's house. i went to her house to finish maths methods homework but we got very little done. instead, we watched cloudy with a chance of meatballs and then had some dinner. jazmin has the sort of back yard that is perfect for summer and you could get lost in. we ate outside and besides the fact that i now have about 20 mosquito bites, it was so lovely to sit outside with jaz and her parents and eat and talk and sit in their lovely backyard.
an update on the desk that i promised. i went to officeworks and bought a chair to go with my desk and it is now complete. i adore the desk and it's location and everything about it. the photo above is of the desk, as you may have guessed. i have not had a lot of time to take photographs and i apologise for that. i have been fairly non stop lately. i will try to take more very soon, before arts camp.
jusqu'à la prochaine fois.

oh dear bolt, i do not particularly enjoy your company but i understand that you had something going when you wrote 'a man for all seasons'. it makes sense, but i simply do not find it necessary to have all these question s written about the content. since before christmas i have been writing bits of the answers to the questions we were given for holiday homework. now i have finished, i have written 21 pages of answers and as i look back at the pages and pages of words, i realise how much you can accomplish without realising.
i have been writing bit by bit, building on what i do and adding to it. now, weeks later i have all these answers to show for it. i think we can definitely apply the same idea to life, more namely for me to year 12. i really want to build bit by bit and try not to be overwhelmed by the whole situation. rather, i want to stay organised and remain on top of things. having said this, it may not happen, but here's hoping!
life without mum and nate is becoming almost normal and it will be very strange having them back, but at the same time i can't wait. there is so much to be done before they come back though, in terms of school work and going to buy my stationary and pack for arts camp.
in light of year 12 i have decided to turn upstairs into an area where i can study. generally, i just study at our kitchen table and i have been getting good grades doing that but i feel i want a place away from people where i can go to study. so i am moving the desk in the spare room upstairs where there's a lot of natural light and a stunning view. i think that will be my task for the day. and putting up some of my art. then onto some psych work. i will update with a photo of my new study space when it's all done and dusted :)
jusqu'à la prochaine fois.

the melbourne city is a strange thing. sometimes i adore it and can spend all day in there and other days i feel like an agoraphobic midget who has to run away as the people are everywhere. having said this, places like delhi and other asian countries are a thousand times worse, but i guess it just depends what mood you are in. well, on thursday i was very in the mood for the city. it involved dumplings in china town, shopping in little stores on degraves street and buying little cupcakes (honestly the cupcake bakery in melbourne central is much better!).
woke up at 8:00am this morning, disrupted my friend who was sleeping and lay in bed for a while. then went to a garage sale down the road, but they didn't have anything good. they're moving out so i expected there to be a lot of stuff around but it was quite disappointing! the weekend has been set aside for holiday homework, as i feel that i am going to get to arts camp and still not have done my work. this, understandably, would onset a panic attack of epic proportions. therefore, i feel i should avoid it and do the work now!!
on my trip to american apparel the other day i bought a scrunchie. yes, an 80's hair accessory. it was very overpriced and i have become determined to make my own. so this morning will involve elastic, fabric and a sewing machine. could be interesting!!
chore for the day: go and hug someone :)
jusqu'à la prochaine fois.

first day since the other half of the family left that i am really starting to feel normal again. well i will never be normal...but that's besides the point really. went out with my father to a couple of art galleries. the first one left a lot to be desired and featured a truly awful woman who sat on the phone and was a snob. i realised that's something i hate about the art world, those people. then we went to another gallery that was lovely. it was just a large space that had these really interesting prints that looked like stencils and had black contrasted with fluro colours. probably my favourite prints of the day. went to some other galleries and then went to a shop that sold dvds, books and music.
all a bit art house and the guy working there was so lovely. after that we hit chapel street and i went to american apparel. bought a skirt and a scrunchie for my newly cut curly mop of hair. then we went to little creatures on brunswick street which was phenomenal. dad didn't tell me where we were going and we walked in and i gasped. it was a warehouse that looked like a diner and was simply amazing. the people were lovely and the food was great, especially the donuts with ice cream and honey and cinnamon (yum!!). i am so lucky to have such an amazing dad who knows all these cool places better than his daughter and makes me look utterly lame!
jusqu'à la prochaine fois.

i despise anxiety. it goes hand in hand with depression and the two are as bad as each other. it's like having someone come and blindfold you and push you around. you feel so out of control and helpless in places you once felt so strong. i suffer from anxiety at this time of the year as it is the in between stage. in between an old year that has become so well known and a new year with unknowns and new changes. some people over eat when they get nervous or anxious or depressed. i am the opposite and have a complete loss of appetite. yesterday friends came round for brunch and one of them commented to me 'you're fading away'! i am trying to keep eating and stay positive and surround myself with people who will support and understand this side of me.
the one thing i think has set off the anxiety this year is that my brother and mum left for cambodia last night. it was so hard at the airport. i felt numb and like i was going to vomit all at the same time. i wanted to grab onto them and never let them go. you see, mum acts as my 'go to' person through this time of the year. i get anxious and need to talk to someone, i go to her. so having 2 and a bit weeks without her around is going to be a challenge. but it is one i know i can face and get through. i get through it every year and i am determined that this year will be no different! i want them to have such an amazing time and i am going to be so rediculously excited when they come home.
i know there are probably other people put there suffering similar things. whether it is at a particular time of the year or set off by something in particular, i know the feeling and sometimes feel so alone in this. but you are not alone and it is possible to fight anxiety if we just keep a positive mind and surround ourselves with positive people.
i hope you are all so well and getting by the best you can wherever you are.
jusqu'à la prochaine fois.

the start of summer (its been summer since demcember, but it tends not to get really warm until about mid- january) was rather stormy and full of lightning. new years eve saw some rather impressive lightning and flash flooding that kept us out of the pool for most of the night. here are some photos that i took that can be linked to my last photography of lightning that was highly un impressive. afterall, you get better with practise! now summer has really begun to set in and it is 37 degrees celsius today! the weather channels always say it will be low 30s or high 20s and then by the time it reaches the day they have predicted the weather for it is around 7 degrees warmer than they said it would be!!
on the bad side, i currently have gastro that hit me yesterday and has left me feeling pretty unwell. I was with one of my friends in the pool yesterday and not feeling too great after we ate far too much junk food. I had to get out and sit by the toilet and be ill. it was utterly embarrassing but she was so good about it and didn't run for the hills. besides recovering, i have been sewing buttons back onto dresses and trying to trudge through my holiday homework.
my brother and mum also leave tomorrow for cambodia to help build school houses for disadvantaged children. it is really admirable and although i will miss them heaps it will be a great experience for them both. it will be very strange though having this big old house to just me and my dad!! anyway, hope you are all taking care of yourselves and havent managed to catch this bug!
jusqu'à la prochaine fois.

a new year; seems strange to think that it is finally here. new years resolution: get through year 12 with my sanity intact. new years was good, and although there weren't many people at my place we made up for that in noise and craziness! it seems strange going into 2010 as it was always one of those years that just wont happen. i never thought i would be leaving school soon and about to enter my final year.
i got a chocolate bar today and looked at the expiry date (because it was from a relatively seedy news agency) and it read april 2010. i remember when i looked at the expiry date on stuff and it said 2010 i would be like 'pfft, i have ages until this goes off'. weird how time goes by and you dont even notice until its gone.
in life news, i am finishing off my job this week and am then a free person until school starts. hoping to see some art exhibitions, take lots of photos, read and paint before arts camp :)
hope you all have a fantastic 2010 and make a realistic new years resolution that will bring about positive change in your life or lives of those around you.
jusqu'à la prochaine fois.