the melbourne city is a strange thing. sometimes i adore it and can spend all day in there and other days i feel like an agoraphobic midget who has to run away as the people are everywhere. having said this, places like delhi and other asian countries are a thousand times worse, but i guess it just depends what mood you are in. well, on thursday i was very in the mood for the city. it involved dumplings in china town, shopping in little stores on degraves street and buying little cupcakes (honestly the cupcake bakery in melbourne central is much better!).
woke up at 8:00am this morning, disrupted my friend who was sleeping and lay in bed for a while. then went to a garage sale down the road, but they didn't have anything good. they're moving out so i expected there to be a lot of stuff around but it was quite disappointing! the weekend has been set aside for holiday homework, as i feel that i am going to get to arts camp and still not have done my work. this, understandably, would onset a panic attack of epic proportions. therefore, i feel i should avoid it and do the work now!!
on my trip to american apparel the other day i bought a scrunchie. yes, an 80's hair accessory. it was very overpriced and i have become determined to make my own. so this morning will involve elastic, fabric and a sewing machine. could be interesting!!
chore for the day: go and hug someone :)
jusqu'à la prochaine fois.
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