i am sorry i haven't posted in a while. i am an awful person but i am stressed put of my mind as school starts again in three days and i have arts camp for those three days. it is nearly 11pm and i have to be up early so i will keep this short. i have finished all my holiday homework which is marvellous!! i found it really important that i had it done because i knew if i didn't have it done by arts camp i wouldnt be able to fully enjoy the camp as i would be preoccupied with the work i hadn't done. in the very exciting news, i got the canon eos 7d. i honestly don't know how i lived without this camera. more to the point i don't know how i tolerated the sony alpha 350. there is simply no comparison.
my brother and mum came home today. i had been up until about 2am because i was at a party and came home and practically passed out after taking all the zombie blood off myself (dress up haha). then we had to wake up at 7am to go to the airport. now, i am one of those people who does not function at all without a decent amount of sleep. so the combination of slight hangover and 5 hours of sleep...wow. i got to the airport and smelt that airport smell and almost threw up everywhere. the only thing that eventually stopped me as i stood outside the airport with no bin or anything to throw up into was the sheer embarrassment of potentially throwing up everywhere. the airport isn't exactly the most private of places. i didn't want to be the person the security guys watch over and over again on the security cameras.
the end of the holidays have been really good. went to a friends house the other night and stayed over without her parents. we felt very parental listening to old songs and dancing around whilst playing with her darling betty. i have also seen friends and went to a zombie party last night which was fantastic, except unfortunately people got a little messy towards the end. looking forward to jumping back into school. people keep telling me that year 12 is hell on earth, but i guess it just depends on how organised i am. hope you are all well :)
jusqu'à la prochaine fois.
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