oh dear bolt, i do not particularly enjoy your company but i understand that you had something going when you wrote 'a man for all seasons'. it makes sense, but i simply do not find it necessary to have all these question s written about the content. since before christmas i have been writing bits of the answers to the questions we were given for holiday homework. now i have finished, i have written 21 pages of answers and as i look back at the pages and pages of words, i realise how much you can accomplish without realising.
i have been writing bit by bit, building on what i do and adding to it. now, weeks later i have all these answers to show for it. i think we can definitely apply the same idea to life, more namely for me to year 12. i really want to build bit by bit and try not to be overwhelmed by the whole situation. rather, i want to stay organised and remain on top of things. having said this, it may not happen, but here's hoping!
life without mum and nate is becoming almost normal and it will be very strange having them back, but at the same time i can't wait. there is so much to be done before they come back though, in terms of school work and going to buy my stationary and pack for arts camp.
in light of year 12 i have decided to turn upstairs into an area where i can study. generally, i just study at our kitchen table and i have been getting good grades doing that but i feel i want a place away from people where i can go to study. so i am moving the desk in the spare room upstairs where there's a lot of natural light and a stunning view. i think that will be my task for the day. and putting up some of my art. then onto some psych work. i will update with a photo of my new study space when it's all done and dusted :)
jusqu'à la prochaine fois.
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