i think self respect is a big issue in today's society, because nearly no one has it. people don't realise how amazing they are and what they are capable of. a lot of my friends have disappointed me recently, because i've found myself thinking 'wow, when did you lose all respect for yourself'. i may be wrong, but it seems to be a larger issue with girls, the ones who are willing to trawl themselves all over men, with most of them complaining that they really want companionship and a long term relationship of some sort. hello!? how do you expect a guy to take you seriously if you cant take yourself seriously. when you get drunk and do who knows what with guys, why should they take you seriously? when women act this way, they are saying to men that it is ok to treat women like meat. now i understand that the media also play a large role in this self hate process, but people need to realise that they have something. it may be their voice, their art, or even their brains. the fact of the matter is there is a serious lack of respect going around and it is frankly sickening. when it comes to my posts, sorry they have been lagging a little. i started work this week with three days straight working 9-5. what a way to make a living ey?
jusqu'à la prochaine fois.
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