that quote came from denis waitley. no idea who that is? yeh me either. point is i recieved my results for my year 12 subject (biology) yesterday. now when i look at that quote, i get kind of mad, because no matter how much work some people put in, they will never do as well as they want. my result was alright, but very frustrating because i soo wanted a certain score, and got a score that was one point below that. i got on the computer on monday morning and logged on and enetered in my information on the website and my result popped up. there were instant tears, mainly from relief that i didn't get a really bad mark. when you are waiting so long for results you start to second guess yourself and your mind starts telling you you have done badly. then the tears just turned into frustration because i wanted a higher score. but as the glee kids so succinctly put it, 'you can't always get what you want'.
in better news, holidays are going well. i pulled out my skateboard again but quite honestly i am scared im going to break bones if i go on it for too long. im one of those crazy folk who seem to prefer their bones intact. call me old fashioned.
i have today off from work, which is nice as it gives me some time to begin the re-arranging of my room. i want to move a chair out and need to put a desk upstairs so i have a place to work next year for year 12. i don't think much else exciting is happeneing. congratulations to my best friend who got an enter to get her into her course, im like an embarrassing parents, and i am so proud of her. anyway, i'll be off. this photos is my my attempt at the whole zoom whilst shooting effect, sort of makes me dizzy looking at the result though! please feel free to give me feedback on the photos and stay well!
jusqu'à la prochaine fois.
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