the new year is now so close i can taste it. i think i have slowly come to realise that i am ready to move forward. this is the first year in which i can say 'yes, i am done with this year and ready to begin a new chapter'. most years i get to this time of year and i begin to panic and my anxiety becomes quite severe, as i am afraid of change for the most part. I think, though, that certain people this year have really influenced me and taught me not to fear the future but embrace it and look forward to it.
Anyway, these photos are from a shoot i did with a friend. we were walking the streets at midnight which in retrospect was probably not the best idea but i think i got some alright shots.
I hope that every one enjoyed their christmas and break and that you all embrace everything that 2010 brings!
jusqu'à la prochaine fois.
that is the very last thing i expected you to say <3 tear, your growing up lol xxo