that is what my english teacher said my work was. i don't really know how to interpret that. we have our first assessed coursework on monday for english, and i don't know if i should be worried going in to it with a 'credible' level of work. oh well, cant sit around and over think it i guess. this week has been a killer. i have been so insanely irritable and i just want to be alone. probably just a stage, but it is giving me the shits.
just me and mum this weekend. were going to go for japanese tonight and then come home and watch a documentary i bought on annie leibovitz, so that should be nice. i don't really know what more to say. i don't feel like i am doing much except going to school, then coming home and doing homework. sending me a little up the wall i think. and to top it all off, the new episode of skins is loading so slowly i could rip my teeth out. joy.
jusqu'à la prochaine fois.
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