week one down. and i already feel i am completely consumed by year 12. i have not left my house since friday when i got home from school. wow that's really bad when i think about it. it is now sunday, and although i have been networking socially online and had a friend sleepover friday night i cant help but feel impending insanity looming. i am going out today (thank the lord) but it's hard to enjoy it with the thought in the back of my head of the psych test i have tuesday or the folio work i have to do. i just feel like no matter how much work i do this year, i will never be able to sit back and sigh and say 'well good, my homework is completed'. that sucks. i guess i am going to have to learn to prioritise and not do some things.
we have house swimming soon and out house (yellow) wants to go as 'singing in the rain'. only problem is we can't find yellow raincoats or boots or those little hats. so that's a bit of a pain! we have started studying 'catcher in the rye' in english and although i hate the main character holden with a passion, i think it is going to be a good study and very suited to the time of our lives we all find ourselves in. maybe this is all an existential crisis. what a bloody inconvenient time for that!
jusqu'à la prochaine fois.
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