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that is what my english teacher said my work was. i don't really know how to interpret that. we have our first assessed coursework on monday for english, and i don't know if i should be worried going in to it with a 'credible' level of work. oh well, cant sit around and over think it i guess. this week has been a killer. i have been so insanely irritable and i just want to be alone. probably just a stage, but it is giving me the shits.
just me and mum this weekend. were going to go for japanese tonight and then come home and watch a documentary i bought on annie leibovitz, so that should be nice. i don't really know what more to say. i don't feel like i am doing much except going to school, then coming home and doing homework. sending me a little up the wall i think. and to top it all off, the new episode of skins is loading so slowly i could rip my teeth out. joy.
jusqu'à la prochaine fois.

saturday today. i spent a restless friday night watching the olympic figure skating pairs and eating tofu. the thought of eating tofu again now makes me feel really nauseous. i actually don't know why i did it. it's not like it was the only thing in the house. i openly went to the supermarket and sought the stuff out. go figure. so third week of year 12 down, and i have already contracted my first sniffle and head cold as a result of excessive stress and a resultantly poor immune system. this is a real pain as i had planned to do homework and spent saturday night with some friends. i will still see them, but somehow i don't think it will be the same with congestion and a fever.
had house swimming this week. our house is yellow and dressed up as madeline. i broke out the new camera and instead of swimming, photographed and videoed the day. it was a really fun day and the atmosphere was fantastic. it's a bit strange to think that i will never go to a house swimming carnival again, but then again i hadn't been since year 9, so i can't get too nostalgic.
the photography has been put on the backburner, which makes me very upset indeed. there is just no time. i plan to do a photoshoot soon to add to my folio but at the moment i am struggling to find the time. hope that you are all well and are not suffering from an deficient immune system :)
jusqu'à la prochaine fois.

today is florist day, a.k.a valentines day, a.k.a a hallmark holiday in order for the company to make copious amounts of money out of teenagers and young adults who think that they will be together 'forever'. Now, i have never been in love so i may be missing something and simply sound bitter, but i really don't understand the point of valentines day. it is a day where those who don't have someone either get bitter or upset and for those who do have someone, they generally get their hopes up too high and then get angry when their loved ones buy them the wrong thing. and that's just it, valentines day is put on in order to make you buy, and to make you feel guilty if you're not buying for that special someone. well, today my special someone was my art.
i have decided to do a lino print of one of the shots i took of my friend in the holidays. i spent far too long fine liner-ing the board. although the practical work is coming along nicely, i am yet to actually annotate my folio. if anyone could help me out with how to annotate that would be greatly appreciated.
the week was fairly hectic, and the weekend has been filled with headaches and family gatherings, as well as watercolours, bad tv and essays. i was in the shower today and realised that my stomach does this weird thing that i have never realised before. there's a lump on the left of my belly button that looks like i have a small baby living inside. doctor dad won't take any notice as he thinks that i am a hypochondriac. he is probably right. isn't it christmas that the miracle baby is supposed to arrive?
jusqu'à la prochaine fois.

week one down. and i already feel i am completely consumed by year 12. i have not left my house since friday when i got home from school. wow that's really bad when i think about it. it is now sunday, and although i have been networking socially online and had a friend sleepover friday night i cant help but feel impending insanity looming. i am going out today (thank the lord) but it's hard to enjoy it with the thought in the back of my head of the psych test i have tuesday or the folio work i have to do. i just feel like no matter how much work i do this year, i will never be able to sit back and sigh and say 'well good, my homework is completed'. that sucks. i guess i am going to have to learn to prioritise and not do some things.
we have house swimming soon and out house (yellow) wants to go as 'singing in the rain'. only problem is we can't find yellow raincoats or boots or those little hats. so that's a bit of a pain! we have started studying 'catcher in the rye' in english and although i hate the main character holden with a passion, i think it is going to be a good study and very suited to the time of our lives we all find ourselves in. maybe this is all an existential crisis. what a bloody inconvenient time for that!
jusqu'à la prochaine fois.

i am a truly terrible person who neglects her blog when life gets busy. i feel like it has been ages, but it had only been about a week (a long time in blog land as i am sure libby will agree). but i am posting tonight as it is friday night and i finished my first week of year 12. i had my last first day and yesterday was our last school photo day. i don't feel that they went very well but never mind.
art camp from the 29-31 was amazing. the weather was beautiful and the camp food was surprisingly good. we were staying in little self contained cabins of 6 and were about 2 minutes walking distance from the beach. it was really nice to get friendly with my new camera and just generally take a lot of photos and soak up the amazing weather before we were to return to school and busy times.
can't really be bothered writing a lot more right now, as i have a lot to do tonight and over the weekend. i will try to post either tomorrow or sunday. i hope that whether you have started school again or are on holidays that you are happy and healthy.
jusqu'à la prochaine fois.