
care for a lil' necrophilia?

today was a day that shouldn't of worked but it did. i sat at home this morning and looked outside to this day of sunshine and loveliness and looked inside, where my books sat sky high ready for me to study. instead, i ditched the study and called up a friend to go and photograph in the city. i have film in my fisheye that needed to be finished, a new roll of film in the pentax k1000 and my digital slr that needed an outing. honestly, so did i. i have spent so much time cooped up inside recently with year 12, it is rediculous how much life it sucks from you.

when we got into the city, we discovered the zombie shuffle was on. for those of you that don't know, the zombie shuffle is when large numbers of melbournians (and foreigners, we don't discriminate) dress as zombies and 'shuffle' through the melbourne city. it was great fun to watch, and a little bit scary, as some of the costumes were very realistic. i got attacked by one guy who got his blood on my cardigan and jeans, but the camera was alright so thats all that matters. if you are reading this, you owe me new clothes haha. you can check out the photos on my flickr which i am now using. we got lost on the trains, scared by zombies and didn't do what we set out to do, but it was so much fun. now i have to make up for the study tomorrow, and it was so worth it :)
nb: if this is you in the photographs and you want them taken off, just let me know.

jusqu'a la prochaine fois.

1 comment:

  1. The photos are amazing, especially the second one!!
