walked the streets again tonight. i need to learn to rug up more when i take to the streets late at night to photograph. called my friend for an impromptu photo shoot. initially had three models but two pulled out. it was 10 degrees down in the park, and very damp. had a lot of fun with long shutter speeds and lights. came home with numb hands. still haven't quite got the hang of the new camera. need to play with it more, which would be made a lot easier if i wasn't constantly studying.
in other news, looking into getting new glasses, which is ridiculously exciting for me. thinking red, and little diamonds on the sides. need to have my script updated and then i am going to start the process. absolutely cannot wait!
jusqu'a la prochaine fois.
emergency funds.

so the last four weeks of my life have been spent on charity work with my year level for the alannah and madeline foundation. it is a foundation that strives to help children with violence, bullying etc. basically, the hope that every child will grow up healthy and happy. reasonable request i think.
for the past four weeks we have been putting together a benefit concert in order to raise money for the cause, and the concert was last night. we had so many amazing performances, including skits, music and lots of dances. i was in a hip hop dance which was really great fun. dancing again made me realise how much i miss it. all in all, the night was amazing, and we managed to raise $43,107 for the foundation which in four weeks i think is pretty impressive.
besides concert work i have just been busy with year 12 work. i have also been photographer for all the events we had over the past couple of weeks, including sausage sizzles, cupcake stalls and dress rehearsals. helps to really put thing in perspective and make you realise how lucky we are to get things we generally take for granted.
jusqu'a la prochaine fois.
this too shall pass.
i think that most things come in waves. anger, grief and anxiety all seem to move in a wave like pattern, getting really large and overwhelming and then at other times being still and calm and non existent.
last night i went to an after party for a year 12 formal and did the photos. i did a pretty weak job at capturing everyone, as i didnt know a lot of the people and i am still not great with asking people i dont know for their photos. the photos themselves weren't too bad, but the area didn't leave much space for creativity or you know, breathing. the place was situated in the midst of an industrial wasteland, with all these roller door factories. it all seemed very sus as we were driving there but the venue ended up being pretty amazing. it was very skins, but with a little less drugs and drama. the walls were all spray painted and there was a strobe which was actually a bit of a pain in the ass.
it's nice to actually feel like taking photos again, and wanting to edit them. this will also help with my folio i assume, as the thing will most likely need some photos in it when i go for interviews. aiming to stop getting so angry at people around me and realise that they are mostly shit, and throwing those people aside so i can focus on those who are surfacing at the top as really amazing people to surround myself with. i am slowly getting better at learning to ride the waves and wait for the calm.
jusqu'a la prochaine fois.
bird on a wire.

monday. feeling good. nothing seems impossible today, and i feel like the stuff that should be important, like school assessments are just small scale compared to other stuff. i feel like i was looking at a tiny section of a picture and i have stepped back. for the moment anyway. i have begun editing in photoshop again. i need to do a lot more of it for my folio. make sure you all take the time to step back this week.
jusqu'a la prochaine fois.
care for a lil' necrophilia?
today was a day that shouldn't of worked but it did. i sat at home this morning and looked outside to this day of sunshine and loveliness and looked inside, where my books sat sky high ready for me to study. instead, i ditched the study and called up a friend to go and photograph in the city. i have film in my fisheye that needed to be finished, a new roll of film in the pentax k1000 and my digital slr that needed an outing. honestly, so did i. i have spent so much time cooped up inside recently with year 12, it is rediculous how much life it sucks from you.
when we got into the city, we discovered the zombie shuffle was on. for those of you that don't know, the zombie shuffle is when large numbers of melbournians (and foreigners, we don't discriminate) dress as zombies and 'shuffle' through the melbourne city. it was great fun to watch, and a little bit scary, as some of the costumes were very realistic. i got attacked by one guy who got his blood on my cardigan and jeans, but the camera was alright so thats all that matters. if you are reading this, you owe me new clothes haha. you can check out the photos on my flickr which i am now using. we got lost on the trains, scared by zombies and didn't do what we set out to do, but it was so much fun. now i have to make up for the study tomorrow, and it was so worth it :)
nb: if this is you in the photographs and you want them taken off, just let me know.
jusqu'a la prochaine fois.
trailer park excuses.
i am aware that i'm like a trailer park mother who leaves her children to play in the mud and then eventually leaves them on the front steps of a total strangers to go and do other things (strange but it's all i could think of). i know this, and yet i still have not been posting. i don't know, i guess i just needed a break from it, but i have also been crazy busy with school and a bit of travel these holidays. i am very thankful that libby stepped in while i was away and just reminded you all that i am in fact not dead but just away. so all the rollercoaster life started on the 25th march when i went on a conference down at the beach for school.
the conference was a one night stay at this lovely place on the beach where we could relax, surf, do circus skills and team building exercises. the rooms were lovely and the whole experience was great. i took a tonne of photos which was nice, as i hadn't touched the camera in a while. the thursday night was a dress-up dinner and i went with three other girls as the addams family. i was uncle fester, and getting the bald cap over my curly mass of hair proved to be quite difficult, but a head stocking and two bald caps later we got it on. needless to say i had a shocking headache from the pressure on my skull about an hour into the dinner.
we returned friday afternoon and i was exhausted, as we all were. i fell asleep as i walked in the door and slept most of saturday. then i spent sunday volunteering at a nearby festival. i was put on a stall that was making 'clay critters' with kids. i actually didn't do much at all, so it was a pretty boring day, but i got a cool t-shirt and a waterbottle with my name on it haha.
Jusqu'à la prochaine fois.

Well, she has been such a busy lass i have trouble remembering where she is at any given point of time but ill do my best!
First i think she was playing on the lorn.. or in lorne?... AND now shes off in some hostel.. being xcore.
But i did let her know that upon her return she is doing a guest blog on MY blog so she thought it was best if i was the chosen one who let you precious things know of her where abouts. Its very nice of her to keep you all from worrying, really. bless.
So shes super cute. Shes like a jewish cupcake. Speaking of cupcakes. I was given one rule when doing this post and that was "dont make it pink" silly thing. Of course im making it pink! keke i joke. I did put a fave picture of mine that always makes me think of her. its the top one, see it? cute i know. LIKE HER! i should probs mention that the photos above were not taken by me but were found on weheartit.com The website is also super cute.
I guess thats all hey, i mean thats all i was sent for.. just to imform and leave.
But im staying! hehe for a while at least, just untill i feel i have fulfilled my duties as a bestfriend to reallly entertain you pretty ones!
Actually, i am really tired. Yeh i actually might go!
Dont stress im sure ill be back, or you can check out my blog darlingmakeup.blogspot.com
Be safe!
Love Libby
long weeks and pointless scraps.

this week of school was only four days. why, then did it feel like it went for about ten days. it was the slightest bit painful. i had two sacs on thursday; for psychology and maths methods. i was stressing about methods and alright for psychology. I have no idea how i did. i had them one after another and it just felt like a huge blur. i walked out pretty dazed actually. hopefully it all went alright. art is really testing me, and i feel like i am doing nothing (probably because im not). i just feel sompletely uninspired to work and write in a folio. i am starting to think that maybe the whole folio subject was a mistake. oh well, time will tell.
over the holidays some of my friends are doing a duke of edinburugh trip for their gold awards and i was thinking of joining. i think it could be really good fun. not that i have even completed my bronze award but doesn't matter. besides that, the invites for eighteenth birthday partys have started and i think it is going to be a huge year for parties, which doesnt mesh well with study, but hey what are you gonna' do?! i am probably photographing a life drawing model on thursday but due to confidentiality and nudie bits they sure as hell will not be getting uploaded to anywhere. besides that, i am being consumed in homework that i must now attend to. have a wonderful weekend.
jusqu'à la prochaine fois.
bright lights and long nights.

so last night was hot. really hot. it was a humid melbourne night and i think i can safely say not a lot of people across the city got sleep. my dog started barking at 2am and there were footsteps downstairs. me being paranoid put barking dog and footsteps together and came up with a robber in the house. it wasn't, it was just my mum. i had libby come and surprise me yesterday at school which was fantastic and she then stayed the night. we did a very impromptu photo shoot, and i wanted to experiment with natural light, so that was good. for those of you that haven't checked out libby's make up tutorials you should definitely get onto it. she calls it darling make-up and she is so so talented. she tried to do a tutorial on me while she was over but all that resulted from that were some bloopers, so i will post them up.
school has been pretty hectic, and i feel it is about to get a whole lot worse. i finished my english sac this week, but it was possibly the most embarrassing thing i have ever written. next week is maths and psychology, so this labour day long weekend will give me a bit of extra time to study for those two sacs. not much planned for the weekend. seeing the blind side tonight with friends and then going to alice in wonderland on monday. pretty excited. besides that not much is going on. i have become obsessed with dumplings again and eat them constantly. i hope you are all well and loving whatever you find yourself doing!
jusqu'à la prochaine fois.
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