after getting messy i always feel the need to clean everything in sight. i spent friday night at my friends 17th party. i crashed at my friends house, and got about 3 hours of restless sleep thanks to a mosquito that felt the need to buzz in my ear and keep me awake half the night. it also bit me right on the lip, so mosquito, if you're reading this, call me *wink*. but in all seriousness, it was a good night and i took some shots which i shall insert above. when i returned home on saturday, i was met with my bedroom that i could not get into because there was clothes, bags and books all over the floor. so i cleaned my room, but i didn't clean so much as organise all my clothes and throw out all those old clothes and shoes that you say you'll keep 'just in case' except you never ever wear them. so now it looks like an obsessive compulsive chipmunk ran through my room, but it won't last long. i also start work on wednesday. fun.
jusqu'à la prochaine fois.